Equine Solutions


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The hips (fruit) of the dog rose are a source of readily assimilated forms of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, including – vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B3 and K, bioflavonoids (including rutin), carotenoids, tannins, calcium, magnesium, silica, phosphorous and copper.

  • often fed to horses recuperating from illness or injury as they help to restore the immune system and aid tissue repair
  • as part of the daily diet is beneficial for preventing illness.
  • The vitamin C in rosehips acts as a natural antihistamine, which can assist the allergy-prone horse. Bioflavonoids, as well as having potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, enhance vitamin C’s ability to strengthen blood vessel walls, and this effect contributes to rosehips’ reputation for encouraging healthy hoof growth. Rosehips can also help alleviate gastric inflammation and diarrhoea.

DOSE: 1-2 tablespoons per day, depending on horse size and level of work. Large, hard working horses, and horses facing, or recuperating from, illness could require a higher dose – an equine herbalist can be consulted to determine the appropriate dose in these cases.

