Folactin Red

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Ranvet Folactin Red is a mineral supplement specifically formulated for paddocked and stud horses of all ages.

Supplies all essential minerals critical for sound bone growth and development including essential co-factors, Vitamins A & D and Folic Acid for bone development.
Ravnet Folactin Red aids in the promotion of proper absorption, utilisation and retention of rectifies calcium and phosphorus and calcium and phosphorus deficiencies and incorrect ratios which negatively impact bone development and soundness. 

Directions for Use

Mix Ranvet Folactin Red thoroughly through the feed. A measure is provided. One level measure holds 30g Folactin Red.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As Folactin Red contains copper salt, care must be taken when administering to horses with a copper sufficient diet. Additionally, the supplementation of Folactin Red to brood mares, foals, weanlings and yearlings is advised until training/racing commences. At this time, continue mineral supplementation with Folactin Blue during training/racing/competition.

Dosage Rates

Pregnant mares 120g daily, Lactating mares 150g daily, Empty mares 60-90g daily, Stallions 60-90g daily, Foals (creep-fed) to 3mths 15-30g daily, Foals (creep-fed) to 5mths 30-45g daily, Weanlings 60-120g daily, Yearlings 120g daily.

Active Ingredients (per Kg)

Calcium 307g, Phosphorus 84g, Copper 330mg, Zinc 1.25g, Vitamin A
247,000IU, Vitamin D3 100,000IU, Inositol 79mg, Cobalt 8mg, Fluoride
4mg, Folic Acid 167mg, Lactose 20g

